About Us
Welcome to the NoRocks website. We are so glad you have come. I know the place is not quite where we want it to be but there are sometimes in life we must move on with something when it is ‘good enough’ otherwise it would never happen. This site will grow and change as we stretch our legs and get up to full run. You should come on the journey with us. It’s going to be a lot of fun and very rewarding.
This site is a place of growth: A place of growth as a person and a place of growth in your business. Actually it’s is about all of life.
At NoRocks we feel that a strong life can only be lived by a strong person and a strong person is what we aim to become and create in others. Strenght can only occur when we come along side each other and work together.
None of us are perfect and we definitely don’t have it all together. We are still learning. We come from all walks of life: young, old, rich, poor, huge life mess ups, and pretty smooth trails. We want to share our experiences, build upon them and show how God can and has used our experiences, positive as well as negative, to accomplish great things.
You will never hear us talk about life balance or trying to balance the personal, physical, work and family aspects of life. We believe an equilibrium is only achieved when priorities are set and there is only one priority that should matter in a person’s life. That priority is having a relationship with Christ.
You may read that and say “Come on!… Don’t you think that’s a little short sighted?” To which we will replay “No!” If you haven’t read our beliefs page yet, you should probably stop and do that. Then come back and read the rest of this post.
Setting your priorities on Christ gives you direction. Then the people around you will come along side and learn with you. Then and only then will you find direction, instruction and support for the best life God has for you.
At NoRocks, we accept our flaws, we are striving to change what we can, and allow God to handle the rest.
That is why we have 3 main values. Live, Grow and Show. These 3 values form the lense through which we view our lives, business and our walk with Christ.
Live is what God wants give us.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I cam that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Grow is where God wants us to be.
“And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52
Show is what we are called to do.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also lover one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
All of this was inspired by the verse Luke 19:40.
“But Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!”
We will never let the rocks cry out for us..
——————————————- Below is the Page we are working on ————————————-
A Digital Agency
Forward Thinking
Problem Solvers
Customer Support
Working Together
At NoRocks we feel that a strong life can only be lived by a strong person and a strong person is what we aim to become and create in others. Strenght can only occur when we come along side each other and work together.
- Brand Strategy 80%
- Internet Marketing 60%
- App Development 50%
- Customer Happiness 90%

JC Howell
Company Role
Byron Howell
Information coming soon.

Cynthia Howell
Sam Work
Information Coming Soon

Kelly Teele
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