But God Ministries

Part of our philosophy is showing others God. One way of doing that is sponsoring or working with Godly organizations that help people in need and share the good news of God’s word.
One Such ministry is But God Ministries. This is an excerpt from their site.
But God Ministries is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, that shares the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world. We are currently building two sustainable communities in Haiti and one in the Miss. Delta.
The first Haitian community is in Galette Chambon which is about 17 miles east of Port-au-Prince near Ganthier, Haiti. The second Haitian community is called Thoman and is about a two hour drive east of Port-au-Prince near the border with the Dominican RepublicThe community where we are working in the Miss. Delta is Jonestown, MS which is located in the northwest part of Mississippi about 12 miles northeast of Clarksdale.
You will be seeing more information on this ministry as time goes by and you can find more info at ButGodMinistries.com. We hope that you will share your favorite organizations with us or plug into one of the ones we suggest.
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